Ouachita Baptist University
By choosing Ouachita Baptist University as your college home, you’re choosing not only to invest in outstanding academic training and career preparation, but you also are joining a community unlike any other. Our relationships run as deep as our over 135-year history, with meaningful traditions and a strong spiritual foundation supporting it all.
University Quick Links - Ouachita Baptist University
University Quick Links Home; University Quick Links; Student Resources. INFO. INFO is a one-stop portal for viewing personal records including grades and transcripts, completing financial processes, and accessing course schedules, degree plans and other essential information.
Programs of Study at Ouachita - Ouachita Baptist University
As a nationally ranked liberal arts university, there’s no doubt you’ll get a great education at Ouachita. But did you know your preparation reaches beyond lectures and textbooks? Our low 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio means personal connections with professors and no impersonal lecture halls. It also means networking opportunities that could help launch your future career.
Ouachita Baptist University
By choosing Ouachita Baptist University as your college home, you’re choosing not only to invest in outstanding academic training and career preparation, but you also are joining a community unlike any other.
Ouachita Campus Store - Home
LOCATION. Ouachita Campus Store 3778 Evans Student Center Arkadelphia, AR 71998 870-245-5298 [email protected]
Ouachita Baptist University
EXPLORE HOW OUACHITA. can invest in you. It’s different here. By choosing Ouachita Baptist University as your college home, you’re choosing not only to invest in outstanding academic training and career preparation, but you also are joining a community unlike any other.
Applying to Ouachita - Ouachita Baptist University
If you are planning to transfer from another college or university, fill out our simple admission application and submit your official transcript(s) from the previous colleges and universities you have attended. Please have them sent to Ouachita Baptist University, 410 Ouachita Street, Arkadelphia, AR, 71998.
Academic Schools and Departments - Ouachita Baptist University
Ouachita’s academic programs are organized into eight schools: Business, Christian Studies, Education, Performing Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies.Within these schools, you will find many options for combining programs of study and tailoring an educational experience that will fit a vast number of interests.
Housing - obu.edu
Listed below is the timeline for the housing process. As each of these dates approach, students will receive communication highlighting the details of how to sign up and what to expect.
Riley-Hickingbotham Library - Ouachita Baptist University
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