Arkansas State University
Visit our website to learn more about Arkansas State University and how we can help you achieve your dreams. You can find information about admissions, our history, community, and our student population.
Current Students - Arkansas State University
At Arkansas State University, we take pride in putting our students first. We hope that you'll find this page useful as you navigate our website. Arkansas State offers endless opportunities to develop personally, intellectually and socially.
About Arkansas State
The second largest university in Arkansas, Arkansas State is a doctoral-level national institution with more than 150 degrees areas of study, including a robust online program, and a diverse student body from across the nation and the world.
International Admission - Arkansas State University
Why choose Arkansas State? A-State is a great place for all international students, either on-campus or online. We invite you to join over 500 international Red Wolves, who represent over 60 countries!
Arkansas State University - Login
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Join the Pack - Arkansas State University
Welcome to Arkansas State University! If you are a student seeking a challenging, fun and rewarding college experience, you have come to the right place! Make my university, your university. Our students have lived in nearly every state and in nearly 70 countries. They've graduated from every type of school.
Degrees - Arkansas State University
Arkansas State educates leaders, enhances intellectual growth, and enriches lives. Tuition & Fees A college education is the best investment you can make in your future.
Welcome to A-State Online - Arkansas State University
Arkansas State Online allows you to achieve your educational goals on your schedule. One of the oldest online degree programs in Arkansas, the degrees you earn through A-State Online are identical to those earned by the more than 75,000 alumni of Arkansas State University.
Apply to Arkansas State
Apply to Arkansas State As soon as you set foot on our campus you’ll feel welcomed, and you will know you’ve found the place you can call home. Which type of red wolf are you?
Apply to A-State
A-State offers unlimited possibilities for students to customize their experience while on campus. Visit the Dean of Students >>