Like elsewhere in America, the Irish of Syracuse faced widespread prejudice and discrimination in the 19th century.
The changes come after "acts of violence across the nation," including the New Year's Day attack in New Orleans.
Preparations are being made for the upcoming St.Patrick's Day festivities coming to Pittsburgh. The City of Pittsburgh ...
St. Patrick's Day parade will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday in downtown Topeka. It will be followed by IrishFest.
The parade is set to start at East Balbo Drive and South Columbus Drive, near Grant Park and move north on South Columbus ...
In honor of the parade organized by the St. Patrick’s Association Inc. — a parade that will take place at noon Monday in ...
The Upstate offers a variety of St. Patrick's Day events, including lively parades that showcase Irish music and dance.
While participating in the St. Patrick's Day parade is a highlight for many, the reason one group exists in the first place ...
It was not as well behaved in the past last year, particularly driven by young intoxicated people in general and the fighting ...
Sunday is shaping up to be an unsettled day across New England with windy conditions building and the chance for scattered ...
This year again features Frozen Dead Bar Crawl, the Royal Blue Ball (a dance and costume party), live music at various Estes ...
Police said they're making changes to this year's St. Patrick's Day parade in hopes of preventing some of the problems from ...