The history of the month dates back almost a century, and the way it is celebrated and evolved has created history in itself.
Black History Month is a time to reflect on the legacy, culture, and perseverance of Black Americans in shaping U.S. history.
From Canada and the United Kingdom to Costa Rica and Australia, Black people's impact extends far beyond US borders. Here's how Black History Month is celebrated in some unexpected places.
Feb. 1 marks the first day of Black History Month, and suddenly the study of the Black experience may feel like an act of ...
The Defense Department will no longer use “official resources, including man-hours” to celebrate “cultural awareness months.” ...
President Donald Trump has issued multiple executive orders attacking diversity, equity and inclusion and baselessly suggested diversity hiring could have caused the Washington, D.C. plane and ...
Civil rights activist Ida B. Wells will be featured on newly minted U.S. quarters. Historian Raffi Andonian joins Jenye Donaldson to share Wells' story.
This year's Black History Month theme celebrates the role of Black labor in building the nation through industry or community ...
While historical tensions have been acknowledged, a shared solidarity and activism highlighted the relationship between Blacks and the Irish in the U.S., which would be defined by social, cultural ...
A showcase of teens’ talent and creativity includes flower silhouettes, neon acrylic artwork inspired by the artist Derrick ...