Stunningly and unexpected, virtually all of the selections on view in this exhibition are complete. Co-organized by the Art ...
The assassination of Julius Caesar was reenacted in Rome at the exact same place where it had taken place 2,000 years ago.
Few figures in history have been as polarizing as Nero, the infamous Roman emperor who had a love affair with everything ...
Newly excavated site in Ostia Antica, dating as early as the 3rd century CE, offers fresh insight and new enigmas about the ...
"We are trying to live in the map, not the real word. No wonder we are unhappy, rudderless, adrift. We're accelerating ...
The ultimate action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the universe ...
Public ceremonies, lavish processions, and temporary wooden arches were commonplace after victory in Ancient Rome. But during ...
A 13-year archeological excavation has shown that what was once believed a backwater town for the Roman Empire lasted far ...
A 13-year archeological excavation has shown that what was once believed a backwater town for the Roman Empire lasted far ...
After the kings were expelled from Rome and before the Julio-Claudians established the first imperial dynasty, the consuls ...
But the symbolism is heavy-handed: the Twin Towers, once a monument to a unipolar world that no longer exists, barbarically destroyed and then rendered into words about the founding myth of Rome. At ...
Alberto Angela has made a career out of exploring his hometown. Here are his favourite spots to unearth Rome's millennia of ...