Once again, the data collected on the recovering Mexican wolf population show progress.” -- Stewart Liley, chief of wildlife ...
The Mexican wolf, or lobo, is the smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North America ... this week in a federal court in Tucson. John Leos covers environmental issues for The Arizona Republic ...
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) -Two Grand County ranchers will receive over $365,000 in losses related to the gray wolf reintroduction in Colorado. Colorado Parks and Wildlife commissioners voted ...
The number of confirmed wolf depredation incidents is on the rise as California's gray wolf population slowly recovers Wildlife officials and ranchers are working together to find solutions to ...
Wolves are rarely seen in the southern part of Minnesota, but a Spring Valley man has been cited for shooting and killing a gray wolf in southern Forestville Township in Fillmore County.
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Over the last decade, federally endangered gray wolves began a natural recolonization in California, leading to several new wolf packs within the state. The California ...
This year’s count shows the recovery of Mexican wolves is inching forward. The smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North America, Mexican wolves were listed as endangered in 1976, and a ...