In a move designed to increase Belfast City Centre living, the council and the Department for Communities have appointed Clanmil Housing Association to develop a mixed-use, residential-led scheme in ...
The Irish Government is to relax rules on some employment permits in a bid to plug the shortfall in planners.
The Scottish and UK governments have signed a £70 million investment programme with Argyll and Bute Council intended to boost economic growth in the area.
Swedish shipping company Stena Line has submitted an outline planning application to redevelop the 89-hectare former Anglesey ...
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A North London church’s plan to convert a vacant office building into guest accommodation has been refused because the loss of the office space in a key location was unjustified.
Inspectors have rejected Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council’s draft local plan for failing on the duty to cooperate ...
The expansion of the ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) in London has significantly improved air quality, with dangerous ...
A residential tower of up to 34 storeys and providing 700 student bedrooms have been refused in East London after they failed ...