The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry summoned Slovak Ambassador to Kiev Pavol Vizdal to convey to him a strong disapproval of statements made by the Slovak Government about the alleged meddling by ...
If a bill stemming from the deal that the government clinched with the Medical Trade Union (LOZ) is passed, it might put the accessibility of health care in jeopardy, warned MP Peter Stachura (KDH), ...
The Bratislava-based Old Avion Gallery has opened an exhibition of the naive fine art of ethnic Slovaks from Kovacica, Serbia. "The exhibition was organised on the occasion of the inscription of naive ...
Thursday's meeting between Slovak Premier Robert Fico and European Commission representatives on halting the transit of Russian gas through Slovakia was postponed until Monday (February 3) due to the ...
The government approved a set of healthcare legislative changes as part of the agreement with the Medical Trade Union (LOZ) on Thursday, with Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) expressing ...
CORRECTION: Committee Doesn't Discuss SIS Report, Maskarova Says One Person Extradited Earlier in the day, TASR released a story, which stated that police will extradite a person of Ukrainian ...
Four individuals have had their entry to Slovakia banned with respect to the preparation for a coup in Slovakia, with five more to be soon banned as well, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD ...
House Committee for Defence and Security didn't discuss the report of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) on the alleged potential state coup, as the committee was inquorate on Thursday. Jana ...
The police are carrying out a preventive operation at the Hungary-Slovakia border aimed at limiting illegal migration into the European Union (EU), Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) and ...
Bratislava 30. januára (TASR) - Futbalisti Athletica Bilbao a Manchestru United si zabezpečili účasť v marcovom osemfinále Európskej ligy. Doplnili tak Lazio Rím, ktoré malo istú účasť už pred štvrtko ...
Bratislava 30. januára (TASR) - Futbalisti Athletica Bilbao a Manchestru United si zabezpečili účasť v marcovom osemfinále Európskej ligy. Doplnili tak Lazio Rím, ktoré malo istú účasť už pred štvrtko ...
Courchevel 30. januára (TASR) - Chorvátska lyžiarka Zrinka Ljutičová figurovala na čele po 1. kole štvrtkového slalomu Svetového pohára v Courcheveli. Vo francúzskom stredisku viedla o 19 stotín sekun ...