Shanelle Matthews, lead communications strategist for Black Lives Matter, tells Dipka Bhambhani about driving conversations from the 'hood to the White House.
Deitelzweig explains why the new office is essential to the renewal of cities but has to provide more than lobbies with expanses of white marble to attract tenants.
Isay, who was also a cofounder of the agency, retired from SKDK in 2022. NEW YORK: Former SKDK cofounder and CEO Josh Isay is joining Orchestra as a partner, effective January 13. At Orchestra, Isay ...
She discusses the main ingredients in the fast-food chain’s transformational, make-or-break refresh.
While the consolidation of industry giants isn’t new, the increasing prevalence of mergers and holding company acquisitions ...
Unrestricted access to all Essential and Insights content Access to the PRWeek Consultancy Tracker and the Top 150 Monthly Trading Tracker Hub In-depth reports including quarterly and annual ...
From understanding an audience to beating back disinformation, health comms experts share their biggest lessons learned for the next pandemic.
In a post on X that has received over 600 comments, McDonald’s senior director of marketing Guillaume Huin randomly invited ...
Unrestricted access to all Essential and Insights content Access to the PRWeek Consultancy Tracker and the Top 150 Monthly Trading Tracker Hub In-depth reports including quarterly and annual ...