A federal board has delayed the termination of roughly 6,000 USDA probationary employees purged in a mass firing by the new ...
Paul Katovich opened a large drawer in a filing cabinet in his office at HighLine Grain Growers headquarters in Waterville, ...
The proposed firing of more than 2,000 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers federal employees, including more than 600 in the Pacific ...
The shortage of veterinarians in rural Oregon has spurred a proposal to allow trained non-veterinarians to perform pregnancy ...
Commercial beekeepers suffered colony losses of 62% between June and February, according to a nationwide survey. “This is ...
New requirements would be imposed on Oregon water rights transfers under a bill that environmental advocates claim is overdue ...
Oregon forestry officials could initiate firefighting on federal lands, even if it’s not requested by the U.S. government, ...
Oregon’s statewide brand inspection program could be eliminated in less than three years under a bill that supporters say ...
A new study will track the health of dryland soil and wheat yields in lands entered into or just coming out of USDA’s ...
A Washington farm advocacy group said the Trump administration should clarify whether it plans to target farmworkers as part ...
The Trump administration’s personnel director denied allegations he unlawfully orchestrated the firing of tens of thousands ...
Sean Finnie, the director of the USDA Agriculture Research Service’s Western Wheat Quality Lab who was fired Feb. 13, is back ...