Nearly a third of British workers have been on the wrong tax code at some point, with the average overpayment worth £689.
The Government authority explained that, while it may seem difficult to detect, a straightforward check can help you avoid ...
While those filling out a self-assessment tax return will ... with the tax being repaid through their monthly payslip, effectively reducing their take-home pay. It may be too late to rectify ...
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is our survey of households, while Workforce Jobs (WFJ) is based mainly on business surveys for employee jobs, with the LFS covering self-employed jobs. HM Revenue and ...
A communications glitch in systems processing tax self-assessments has seen rebates duplicated in ‘very niche scenarios’.
Almost a third of adults checking their payslip have ... or a Simple Assessment letter by the end of the tax year (April 5th), which will tell you how to pay HMRC or reclaim overpaid tax.