Gregor and Ostapchuk were both acquired by the Sharks from Ottawa on Friday in the deal that saw winger Fabian Zetterlund and ...
Gregor and Ostapchuk were both acquired by the Sharks from Ottawa on Friday in the deal that saw winger Fabian Zetterlund and ...
New York Islanders general manager Lou Lamoriello revealed that he plans on changing up his roster this off-season.
Isles President and GM Lou Lamoriello spoke on Isles acquisition Calum Ritchie and addressed Nelson’s departure on Saturday ...
The New York Islanders fell 4-1 to the Los Angeles Kings on Tuesday night, finishing their California road trip with a record of 1-2-0.
BOTTOM LINE: The Anaheim Ducks face the New York Islanders in a non-conference matchup. Anaheim has a 27-28-7 record overall and a 14-14-2 record in home games. The Ducks have allowed 190 goals while ...
BOTTOM LINE: The Anaheim Ducks face the New York Islanders in a non-conference matchup. Anaheim has a 27-28-7 record overall and a 14-14-2 record in home games. The Ducks have allowed 190 goals ...
March 9 - By trading only Brock Nelson this week, general manager Lou Lamoriello committed to the challenge of trying to retool the New York Islanders while keeping them in contention. The ...
Isles GM Lou Lamoriello says he knows the team needs to get younger — but how will they accomplish that this offseason?