The Eurasian country of Georgia is in the midst of a power struggle between the West and the East (particularly Russia). Despite its close political ties with Russia, with which it shares a border, ...
Opposition politicians in Georgia say elections were rigged, and have boycotted parliament. But while they're protesting, ...
It's been more than three months since parliamentary elections were held in the eastern European nation of Georgia. According to the country's authorities, the Georgian Dream party, which has been in ...
He is ranked #1324 on the real-time Billionaires list. Check Bidzina Ivanishvili & family's age, marriage status, spouse, children, owners of the company & more other details.
During a press briefing, Papuashvili described ISFED as a “fraudulent organization” and alleged that it manipulated the ...
The crime was deleted from the criminal code in 2007 during the presidency of Mikheil Saakashvili. The Georgian parliament has become a "crazy printing press" for laws that more firmly establish ...
This movement replaced the then President Eduard Shevardnadze with a pro-West President, Mikheil Saakashvili. Initially celebrated as a victory for democratic values, it became increasingly ...
In North America, citizens are so free that they can, if they wish, completely ignore geopolitical reality. Among the ...
For Vladimir Putin, the Cold War never ended. Since 1999, he has ruled Russia with iron hand beginning with the role of Boris Yesltsin’s prime minister and then soon as the country’s president. But ...