Tahu crispy adalah olahan tahu yang dilapisi dengan tepung dan bumbu, kemudian digoreng hingga permukaannya menjadi renyah dan kecokelatan. Istilah “crispy” sendiri berasal dari bahasa Inggris yang ...
In Akaroa, Mr Luxon acknowledged that division and championed the local Maori tribe, Ngai Tahu, in speech at the Maori meeting house where chiefs signed on to the treaty 185 years ago.
Metode memasak ini awalnya digunakan untuk mengolah ikan, namun seiring waktu berkembang dan diaplikasikan pada berbagai bahan makanan lainnya, termasuk tahu. Orang lain juga bertanya? Bagaimana cara ...
Nau mai te ao. Kia ora tātou. My warmest thanks to Ōnuku Rūnanga and Ngāi Tahu for hosting us here today to mark the 185th year of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. I acknowledge our ...
Preparations are underway at Ōnuku Marae which will host this year’s Hui Whakaū I Te Tiriti Ngāi Tahu Waitangi Day commemoration on Thursday, 6 February 2025. Ōnuku Rūnanga Chairperson Rik ...
Luxon said in his speech that Onuku Marae in Akaroa is where Ngai Tahu chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi 185 years ago, laying the foundation for what was hoped would be a lasting partnership.
NZ calls out "fake news" on Israel visa claims, police add gangs to crackdown list, and new charter schools open with unique teaching methods. Luxon announced late last year that he wouldn’t ...
The Prime Minister has confirmed he will be hosted by Ngāi Tahu in Akaroa for Waitangi Day on Thursday. In December, Christopher Luxon announced he would not be heading to Waitangi in Northland ...
Ngāi Tahu's Treaty settlement has allowed them to become a driving force in the country's economy, the PM says.
Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro will also attend the event alongside the Prime Minister.