The Gullah Geechee people created their own language. Here are some common words along with their translations.
The Gullah Geechee descended from Africans enslaved on the rice, indigo and cotton plantations. Efforts are underway to ...
Gullah Geechee people are known for their unique language, foodways, music, clothing, and art, particularly their sweetgrass baskets. Local efforts to celebrate and preserve Gullah Geechee culture ...
Sherman E. Pyatt’s latest book, Standing in the Gap, is a departure from the non-fiction archival and historical work he’s ...
“For me, the name of my store is another way to help hold onto those pieces of Gullah history and keep the language in use,” Campbell said. The Gullah’s heritage and culture have deep ties ...
A newly formed task force in North Florida is working to change how the state approaches animal cruelty cases.