Learn the warning signs of diabetes in children, from subtle behavioral changes to physical symptoms, plus expert guidance on ...
The problem of obesity in children has increased considerably in India in recent years. It leads to serious health ...
In a region where the chronic disease is too often viewed as a normal part of life, one advocate is educating children to change that.
HYDERABAD: Union Minister of State (independent charge) for science and technology Dr Jitendra Singh said that diabetes could ...
Childhood cancer treatments, specifically total body irradiation, were associated with increased risk of developing diabetes among cancer survivors.
Children with obesity and specific comorbidities, including hypertension and type 2 diabetes, have increased risk for almost every skin condition.
Gestational diabetes in India affects 10-14% of pregnant women, higher than in western countries, with genetic and ...
A new screening intervention in the primary care setting can improve the identification and management of obesity risk in pediatric patients, according to a poster presented at the National ...
Murine study identifies critical neonatal window when microbiota disruption results in lifelong metabolic consequences stemming from reduced β cell development.
Body mass index (BMI) was almost three times more likely to classify children as overweight than waist circumference-to-height ratio, according to a new study.
Type-2 diabetes was considered a disease that occurred with aging till a few decades ago, then it gradually started making ...