Economists in California's Central Valley are closely monitoring the effects of drought, tariffs, and immigration raids ...
GIDDINGS, Texas (KBTX) - The fight to protect Central Texas and rural water will be the focus of a meeting in Giddings on ...
The fate of eastern and central Idaho’s farming — and of the state’s broader economy — depends on recharge funding. | Opinion ...
Despite a state law that’s supposed to protect and restore California's precious groundwater, thousands of wells have gone dry because of over-pumping by growers.
Scientists using seismic data tracked groundwater levels beneath the L.A. area. They found heavy rains in 2023 boosted shallow waters, but deep aquifers remain depleted.
The ground in many parts of the state—including Los Angeles, San Francisco and the Central Valley—is subsiding due to groundwater withdrawal, landslides and compacting of sediment ...
A recent study by a NASA-led team has detailed the areas of California where land is sinking, or rising, the most. While NASA ...
The proposal to use outdated groundwater models was rejected as concerns about future Colorado River supplies mount.
Scientists have uncovered dramatic shifts in California’s coastal landscape, revealing areas that are either sinking or ...
She’s also seen by many who support recharge funding as the central obstacle to moving that funding forward. In an interview, Horman emphasized that she supports funding aquifer recharge ...