Thomas Parker, from Workington, was arrested in Bali and is set to be charged with importation, trafficking and possession of ...
British man Thomas Parker was arrested in Bali, Indonesia, and if convicted faces the death penalty by firing squad ...
A British tourist is facing the death penalty for allegedly dealing a kilo of ecstasy in Bali. Thomas Parker, 32, was already ...
A BRIT wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs hung his head as he was paraded by cops after being accused of pushing a kilo of ...
A CUMBRIAN tourist is 'facing the death penalty' for allegedly dealing a kilo of ecstasy in Bali. Thomas Parker, 32, was already being monitored by police when he flew into Indonesia from Thailand.
Thomas Parker, 32, could face the firing squad after he was arrested in January for trying to push 1.055kg of Class A drugs police say they found.
He could be sentenced to the death penalty if he was proven to be dealing ... While last year, nine tourists were arrested in Bali following a police raid on a suspected drug-fuelled party ...
As Balinese police announced that a British man charged with importing and trafficking MDMA faces the death penalty if found guilty, MailOnline looks at the horrors of Bali's 'execution island'.
A British man has been paraded in front of the media after being arrested in Bali on drugs charges ... strict drugs laws he could be sentenced to death for multiple drug offences.