Cal Fire released its new fire hazard severity maps, including for Sacramento, detailing which areas are at high risk of ...
"It is always a concern, when you live in an area that it is so open, that you could have a fire erupt at any point," said Corinne Beshara.
Around 8:15 p.m., Amador County Fire Protection District crews responded to a water rescue on Electra Road in Jackson near the Electra Powerhouse. Officials said two juveniles were trapped on the ...
Some expressed concern over growth and redistricting accuracy, and county commission is still seeking feedback.
Alpine School District is being split into three districts, and their proposed boundaries were publicly released on Wednesday ...
The Utah County Commission publicly released the proposed boundaries and seats for the three new school districts deriving ...
Utah County officials have released draft maps for the division of the Alpine School District into three new districts, with a final vote scheduled for March 26.