In his message on Women’s Day, president said protecting women’s rights and interests was key priority, praised them as “true heroes of our time”, and stressed the importance of their education and ...
Uzbekistan and Pakistan agreed to form the Higher Strategic Partnership Council during the visit of prime minister Shehbaz Sharif to Tashkent. The visit of Pakistan’s prime minister Shehbaz Sharif to ...
Botir Kudratkhodjayev, formerly deputy prosecutor general and military prosecutor of Uzbekistan, was appointed as the country’s new minister of emergency situations. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev ...
During his two-day visit to Tashkent, prime minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze held meetings with heads of Uzbekistan’s parliamentary chambers, prime minister Abdulla Aripov and president Shavkat ...
A senator sent an inquiry to minister of preschool and school education regarding incidents of violence at two private kindergartens in Tashkent — Tanzilandia and First Daycare. The ministry was asked ...
Sensitive groups should greatly reduce outdoor exercise. Avoid ventilating indoor spaces with outdoor air. Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air. Data is collected from different IQAir ...
В BYYD рассказали, как мобильные рекламные кампании дают возможность бизнесу эффективно взаимодействовать с аудиторией.
Hukumat qarori bilan Kambag‘allikni qisqartirish davlat maqsadli jamg‘armasi faoliyatini tashkil etish bo‘yicha nizom tasdiqlandi. Yangi tartibga ko‘ra, 1-oktabrdan jamg‘arma mablag‘lari hisobidan fuq ...
Tungi reyd davomida fuqarolar Jarqo‘rg‘on tumanidan o‘tgan Surxon daryosi bo‘yidan noqonuniy ravishda qum qazib olayotgani aniqlandi. Ularga qariyb 79 mln so‘m miqdorida ma’muriy chora qo‘llandi.
Спинально-мышечная атрофия (СМА) — тяжёлое заболевание, передающееся по наследству. За последние годы поддержка детей со СМА в Узбекистане улучшилась. Однако проблем остаётся много — в сферах диагност ...
Faxriy legion ordenini olgan prezident, Samarqand nomi berilgan Parijdagi ko‘cha, abituriyentlar uchun test topshiriqlari ...
YTTB ko‘magida Namangan va Nukus shaharlarida jamoat transporti tizimi modernizatsiya qilinadi. Loyiha doirasida zamonaviy ...
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