As oil companies shut down refineries, California policymakers are weighing whether the state should get into the refinery ...
And California isn’t exactly known for efficiently operating anything. But at least oil refinery workers will get great pensions. This possibility isn’t from the musings of paranoid ...
That’s an option the California Energy Commission is presenting to legislators and other policymakers “to ensure steady gas supplies as oil companies pull back from the refinery business in ...
PBF Energy said Thursday that it intends to begin repairs at a California ... refinery in Martinez that are required to restart production. The refinery, which processes about 157,000 barrels of ...
Gas prices have taken a sharp turn higher in the past two weeks. According to AAA, the average price of a gallon of regular-grade gasoline in the San Diego area on Thursday stood at $4.761, a jump of ...
In its latest move to echo Venezuela, California’s energy commission touts government control of the state’s once-booming ...