The authority has provided email addresses to get in touch with various departments while it recovers from the outage ...
Nottingham City Council has warned disruption to services caused by a power cut is expected "to continue into the weekend".
For the second day many services provided by Nottingham City Council are unavailable because of a power outage.
Nottingham's Council House has been glowing in a bright hue of blue this week. The city-centre landmark in Market Square is ...
Nottingham City Council has reported disruption to services due to a power cut on Thursday. The authority said power problems ...
Nottingham City Council says the overall cost of the changes it is making to community centres could be £300,000 ...
Nottingham City Council has given the green light for the Ford MAXiCab from Cab Direct to be licensed as a Hackney Carriage, ...
Nottingham City Council will approve the sale of the 20-acre Broad Marsh development site in the heart of the city centre.
Nottingham City Council's leader believes all community centres can now stay open under revised plans following weeks of campaigning by Nottinghamshire Live. Neghat Khan has apologised for the way in ...
The authority will cut £17.2 million from its budget to balance the books after it filed for effective bankruptcy two years ...
Nottingham City Council is planning to introduce a 20mph zone in the main shopping area of Sherwood yet some business owners ...
Nottingham City Council is planning to introduce a 20mph zone in the main shopping area of Sherwood as businesses demand more action to tackle motorists driving at "stupid" speeds. The owner of a ...