Australia is home to many extraordinary creatures, from Antarctic emperor penguins washing ashore to thelargest great white ...
Caption Researchers attach electrodes to a moth during its pupal stage, when the caterpillar is in a cocoon undergoing metamorphosis into its winged adult stage. By attaching electrodes to the ...
Only certain moths build cocoons ... their chrysalis turns transparent in their final days of metamorphosis. Now, fully formed, it's time to hit the road. The chrysalis splits open down the ...
The study revealed that the metamorphosis-initiating factor was ... chomping as well as the nectar-sipping mouth tubes of the moth. In addition it was found that development of the antennae ...
The fruit-sucking moth (Eudocima aurantia) uses specialized nanostructures on its forewings to mimic the 3D appearance and coloration of a crumpled leaf, despite the wings being flat.
Emperor moth (Arsenura armida) living on the leaves of the coral ... Johann and Merian officially divorced in 1692. Detail from the life cycle of the praying mantis (Stagmatoptera praecaria) from ...
Both moths have a similar life cycle and infestations can be controlled using the same approach. The clothes moths belong to a family of the Lepidoptera known as the Tineidae - the fungus moths, which ...