Megalodon have always been compared to the modern great white shark. Scientists have found a reason why it shouldn't be.
Megalodon may have been up to 80 feet long, but the colossal extinct shark was also probably thinner than scientists ...
Spotted off the coast of Mexico’s Guadalupe Island, Deep Blue seems remarkably unbothered as she floats past some divers, two of whom are inside a relatively flimsy-looking cage, but one who seems ...
Two great white sharks, including the largest male ever tagged by OCEARCH, pinged off Florida's Treasure Coast Sunday and ...
The massive apex predator known as Contender is the largest that has "ever caught, SPOT tagged, released and now studied in the NW Atlantic shark population," Ocearch, a global non-profit that ...
New research reignites debate over the size of this extinct giant, also suggesting it looked unlike a great white ...
According to a new study, the ancient predator which became extinct nearly four million years ago, could be even larger than ...
Talking about large marine animals always leads to thinking about the books of Jules Verne, the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies, the books that led to films such as 'Jaws' and al ...
The male white shark is nearly 14 feet long. Scientists say this is the largest male great white shark ever caught, tagged and released by OCEARCH in the western North Atlantic region. The tag on ...
Great white shark Contender is biggest male ever tagged by research group OCEARCH ... abundant seal populations and rich prey resources found in these areas. As temperatures drop and food sources ...
Great white shark Contender is biggest male ever tagged by research group OCEARCH ... abundant seal populations and rich prey resources found in these areas. As temperatures drop and food sources ...