A floral basket was laid in his name before the statues of the late leader and national founder Kim Il-sung, and he paid ... flowers at the late leader's statue in the city.
The tower is lined up directly with the statue of Kim Il-sung on Mansu Hill on the opposite side of the river. "The view is incredible," says Curtis Melvin who was also able to watch preparations for ...
North Koreans express their reverence to a statue of Kim Il-Sung in 2005 Credit: Sygma Kim continued, down the decades, to steer his regime through the ups and downs of Sino-Soviet relations ...
and grandfather Kim Il-sung. The visit coincided with the Day of the Shining Star, a national holiday in North Korea on February 16, Kim Jong-il’s birthday. According to the Korean Central News ...
A floral basket was laid in his name before the statues of the late leader and national founder Kim Il-sung, and he paid ... flowers at the late leader's statue in the city.