The goal of the informed consent ... sections of this consent form must be completed for consideration and/or final IRB approval. If you are requesting a waiver of the standard written consent ...
Investigators may request a waiver or alteration of the informed consent process or waiver of consent documentation, provided the conditions described on the waiver form are fulfilled.
Informed consent forms and scripts should be written at an eighth-grade reading level to ensure that prospective subjects are truly informed. See the Informed Consent Template for an example of ...
Moreover, the informed consent should not merely be a list of isolated facts. Many consent forms are not as good as they could be in terms of aiding decision-making. The goal is to help people process ...
Use short paragraphs, bullets and subheadings to increase readability. See the informed consent form template (pdf) for more help and sample language. 1. Title of the Study 2. Names and Affiliations ...