A New York Times investigation in 2020 found that hospitals and physicians, including medical students in training, aren’t required to obtain explicit consent from patients before conducting ...
Warning! Sweeping changes in public health are on the rise. The latest word, according to Stat, is that the Department of ...
Informed consent should be much more than just trying to get a signature on a piece of paper. It should be a process that empowers patients while ensuring they feel supported by healthcare ...
Community Regional Medical Center in downtown Fresno was recently fined almost $90,000 for wrongfully removing a Fallopian tube from a patient after a cesarean section birth, according to state ...
There is sea change in America’s framework for conducting experiments on humans, involving a provision quietly implemented by the FDA.
Giving a participant information sheet, which they read (with support, if necessary) can be a good way to get consent (though it won’t be appropriate in all cases). How much information you need to ...
Before patients undergo intimate physical exams, including ones performed under anesthesia, hospitals must obtain written informed consent — or risk federal funding. That’s according to new ...