If your combined income is under $25,000 (single) or $32,000 (joint filing), there is no tax on your Social Security benefits ...
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has paid more than $7.5 billion in retroactive benefits to over 1.1 million ...
The Social Security Administration is sending out retroactive payments right now, thanks to the Social Security Fairness Act.
More than 1.1 million people with public pensions — teachers, firefighters, police officers and the like — have recently received retroactive benefits due to the Social Security Fairness Act ...
The Social Security Fairness ... where they pay Social Security taxes and are not affected by WEP or GPO. Those individuals will not receive a benefit increase due to the Act.
Millions of retired teachers, firefighters, police officers and others with public pensions will be reaping the benefits of the recently passed Social Security Fairness Act sooner than first ...