Five Rivers MetroParks announced several closures that will happen as a result of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in May.
Staffing shortages have reduced the days of operation at key parts of the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, and President Donald Trump’s federal hiring freeze means that personnel ...
According to a press release from Metro Parks, the sunk trees will help the bait fish populations grow, which will increase ...
The City of Beavercreek recently received a $1 million grant that will aid in the development of a new park. According to a ...
The district is developing a strategic plan is working to understand community needs and trends related to parks, open spaces and trails ... She earned a bachelor of science in journalism degree from ...
The City of Fairborn celebrated the doll brand Barbie, on Sunday, with a party. The party was hosted by Fairborn Parks and ...
DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – Five Rivers MetroParks and Wright State University have partnered to offer four presentations meant to inspire a sense of adventure in outdoor enthusiasts of all experience ...