Not sure which difficulty setting to choose in Avowed? Our Avowed Difficulty Differences Guide will break down all the ...
With Game Pass in the mix, success is an odd thing to gauge for any first-party Xbox release nowadays since sales aren't ...
Obsidian makes incredible RPG games with great characters, but this staple AAA RPG mechanic needs to be added to its next games.
Now Playing | Morality is not all black and white in Avowed, but it took me 28 hours to see that ...
For anyone who's interested in Avowed but hasn't picked it up yet, Walmart is offering digital Xbox Series X\|S and PC codes of the Avowed Premium Edition for just $49.79. Normally ...
It’s a fair question to ask as Microsoft has repeatedly said that nothing is off the table. If Master Chief and Marcus Fenix aren’t, why should Avowed be?
"Part of doing romance well means not only a compelling romance path but also one that is faithful to the character being ...
The Sarcophagus Key opens a locked coffin hidden in the Garden area of Avowed.
The Wizard has numerous passive and active skills it can choose from, some tied to the Grimoire and others given as general ...
“That Which Remains” is a side quest in Avowed that, like many side quests in Avowed, poses a choice with seemingly no good ...
But that doesn't mean you can't also face smaller picture stuff like, say, a guard who needs to go for a piss. Nothing ...
Avowed may reach a combined 5.9 million players on Xbox and PC in its first month of availability, but these data estimates ...