Once one of the state's largest caribou herds, the low population of Southwest Alaska's Mulchatna herd has failed to recover.
Tanana Chiefs Conference annual convention highlights issues and developments in keeping Alaska Native culture alive amidst a ...
Roughly half of Alaska's population was comprised of white settlers who had migrated to the territory during gold rushes in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The other half of the populat ...
The agency prioritized counting the American Indian and Alaska Native population in the 2020 census after almost 5% of Native Americans living in reservations were undercounted in 2010.
Alistair Gardiner [email protected] Feb 28, 2020 Feb 28, 2020 Last year, the Wildlife Society awarded a Wildlife Restoration Award to the Alaska ... that the moose population in unit 20A ...
Alaska's population was approximately 73,000. About half of those residents were Native Alaskans, members of indigenous groups who inhabited Alaska before it was colonized by Russia. Native ...